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If You Are A Victim

If you are a victim of a crime, it is imperative that you report it to the Notre Dame College Police Department (call: 216-373-5212) as soon as possible.  As a crime victim, you may also report your incident to the nearest Resident Assistant, Graduate Assistant, Residence Life Director, Counseling Center, Campus Minister, Staff or Faculty member (all are CLERY Campus Safety Authorities), but understand, by not reporting it directly to the Notre Dame College Police, there will be a delay in solving the case or important information may be lost that would be valuable to the police in solving your victimization. It is the goal of the Notre Dame College Police Department to reduce crime, reduce the fear of crime and bring offenders to justice and hold them accountable for their actions. Call the Notre Dame College Police Dispatch Center anytime, day or night, at 216.373.5212.

This same principle applies if you witness a crime. Witnesses are always important in solving any crime. If you witness a crime, come to the Police/Security Station – Ground Floor of the Administration Building, next to Maintenance and Information Technology. We can retain anonymity in most cases. If you would prefer, use the Tip Us Off section of the website.


Are you a victim of a crime?  For more information on Crime Victim Rights, to apply for crime victim compensation, local services and referrals, publications and support information, please visit the Ohio Attorney General’s website by clicking HERE.



You Have Rights