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Education Unit Outcomes

The Division of Professional Education of Notre Dame College believes that teacher candidates must possess deep and rich content and pedagogical knowledge in order to successfully create, present and evaluate meaningful learning experiences for students P-12. 

The teacher candidates must possess the skills and dispositions necessary to engage P-12 students of diverse backgrounds and various learning needs in challenging yet attainable learning goals. This kind of professional work can only be successfully accomplished with the help of the P-12 parents/caregivers and the collaboration of all members of the school community. Through its teacher preparation programs, the Notre Dame College teacher candidates follow a program of studies that develops their ability to meet the expectations of the Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession.

The teacher candidates will:

  • Give evidence of understanding student learning and development and the ability to create learning experiences that correspond to P-12 students’ cultural, linguistic, and developmental differences.
  • Give evidence of depth and breadth in their content knowledge and the content specific instructional strategies to effectively facilitate learning P-12.
  • Plan and deliver effective instruction that advances the learning of each student.
  • Understand, create, use, and evaluate varied formal and informal assessments to inform instruction and ensure student learning.
  • Create physically and emotionally safe learning environments that promote high levels of achievement for all students.
  • Effectively, collaborate and communicate with students, parents, other educators and administrators to support and further student learning.
  • Give evidence of assuming responsibility for ongoing professional dispositions, behaviors, and ethics that are marks of profession conduct.
  • Create reflection papers that indicate the ability to articulate their teaching/presentation strengths and weaknesses following a teaching segment.