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Centennial Kaleidoscope Day

A Past Mission Tradition Transformed for a Visionary New Time


Remember K-Day 2.0 

Learn about the Centennial 



Conference-like tracks in finance, health and history,
with “living well” and “guilty pleasure” presentations, too!


Session I

Compassion Meditation – Care for All Beings

Sister Carol Ziegler, SND., Ph.D. | Executive Director of the Abrahamic Center and Cochair Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Thomas Aquinas reminds us in his Summa that God is not confined to a supernatural heaven but “is present everywhere in everything.” God is not a being but being itself. Our call as Christians, then, is one of care and compassion for all beings, including our world. This interactive session first considers the value of mindfulness meditation and then moves into a 20-minute guided compassion meditation period.

Doing Business with China: The Present and Future Outlook

Peter Corrigan, M.B.A. | Assistant Professor, Entrepreneurship

US-China relations are frequently in the news of late. Is China an enemy or a competitor? How has China risen to prominence and where are they going? How should the West continue to engage with China? This class will explore answers to these questions through the lens of first-person observation and experience and by looking at current events and emerging trends in China. The future outlook for US and China relations from a financial, cultural and political perspective will be included.

Investing and Wealth Management

Ovidiu Lucian Vatamanu, Ph. D. | Assistant Professor, Economics & Finance


  • Gail Barber, Sales, Marketing and Negotiations Expert, Howard Hanna Real Estate Services
  • David Moss, Pedro Alves and David Kolar; Notre Dame College Finance Majors

Investments are a way of saving money for the long-term. This session will present investment objectives and financial strategies that lead to successful wealth management. Investment opportunities in the stock market and in real estate will be analyzed.

Living Well in Today’s World

Roslyn Scheer-McLeod, M.A. | Associate Professor of Health Science/Psychology, Licensed Professional Counselor

In this session we will discuss a holistic approach to looking at one’s health and well-being, including the spiritual, social and emotional components that empower and enrich one’s life. Suggestions for reframing and managing stress and conflict will be offered.

The Kennedy Assassination 60 Years Later

Debra Dacone, D. Min. | Assistant Professor of Theology

Some of us remember where we were on that fateful day, November 22, 1963, when President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was shot and killed while riding in a motorcade in Dallas, Texas. Others have learned about the tragedy through stories, books and in school. This one-hour class looks back at the fateful assassination, the immediate days that followed and the six decades since. Come and share memories, meaning and stories.

Session II

Getting Control of Your Hypertension

Jackie Robinson, Ph.D, M.B.A., M.S.N., ACNS-BC, RN, CCRN, CHSE |Associate Professor and Director of the Shaughnessy Center for Nursing Innovation and Education

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, affects half of all Americans and many do not know they have it. Learn about non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic approaches to blood pressure control. Tour the college’s nursing lab, stop by to have your blood pressure checked by a Notre Dame nursing student and see the educational materials the Division of Nursing has created for patients.

Not For Children Only: Children’s Books as Adults’ Guilty Pleasures

Sue Corbin, Ph.D. | Professor, Accreditation Chair & Division Chair, Professional Education

You don’t need to have a small child in your life to set yourself free in the children’s section of a library or bookstore. A good children’s book should have the same qualities that a highly acclaimed adult book possesses, including story elements that work together to create believable, relatable characters who experience the many complex conflicts of being a human being, no matter the age. This session will explore a selection of children’s books from the Notable Books for a Global Society Awards that are chosen every year by the Children’s Literature and Reading Special Interest Group of the International Literacy Association. Participants will enjoy an interactive read-aloud and will use a handout with selected books that will guide them through the process of reading a children’s book through an adult’s eyes. Book lists and helpful websites will be provided. Expect to connect with your inner child!

Obtaining Financial Freedom

Elizabeth Frey, M.B.A., C.P.A. | Assistant Professor of Accounting

Managing personal finances does not have to be overwhelming or complicated. This presentation will help you to become financially savvy. Learn about how your money mindset affects your ability to save, how much you should save and when, how to “pay yourself first” to maximize savings and how to evaluate your budget and debt.

Greg Moore at lectern

The Human Face of History: The Story of a Holocaust Survivor

Greg Moore, Ph.D. | Professor, Public Service and Security Studies

This class tells the story of a Holocaust survivor who escaped the Holocaust by living as a “Hidden Person” in Amsterdam. At 15 years of age, Eva and her younger sister Ruth were sent to The Netherlands to escape Nazi persecution after Kristallnacht in Vienna. Their experiences make for a compelling story and are a testament to those who survived the Nazi persecutions before and during the Second World War.

The James Webb Telescope: Findings from the First Nine Months of Space Exploration

John J. Smetanka, Ph.D. | Provost and Dean of Faculty

NASA launched the largest optical telescope into space on December 25, 2021, to learn more about the universe. This presentation, for budding, experienced and enthusiastic astronomers, highlights the discoveries and awe-inspiring images taken by the groundbreaking James Webb Telescope through the first nine months of operation. The exciting promises of future observations will also be explored!


Ovidiu Lucian Vatamanu, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor, Economics & Finance

Vinification, or the production of wine, dates back to ancient times. The science of wine making varies, depending upon location, climate, season, type of grapes, soil and fermentation technique. Hear from a Notre Dame faculty member and experienced winemaker how these elements affect the final product. Enjoy samples from the instructor’s cellar as well as local and well-known favorites. You must be 21 years of age to sample the wine!